Thursday, August 21, 2008

Face it, Mac is Perfect

Take a look at:

Funny how my fanatical Mac-Empowered friends never hesitate to tell me how inferior Microsoft products are (usually in an email composed within Entourage) however whenever Mac manages to screw things up bad I don't hear a word about it.

This whole iPhone thing distresses me. I could care less about the whole Mac vs. PC deal, I just think the thing looks cool and does fun stuff. With the advent of Exchange integration, it gave me a reason to finally justify the purchase. Mac couldn't seem to hop on to the 3G bandwagon without falling off the other side though so I will be waiting a bit on this purchase.

Hey Mac/iPhone people - quit annoying me. All technology no matter who makes it is flawed. So stop with the "Mac is Perfect" crap - technology in general doesn't work and I work in the business.

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