Then came facebook. Now that they have opened the doors to anyone; no longer limiting their membership to college or high school students, I was able to sign up. As opposed to Myspace, I found myself intrigued more with the interface, usage, and the applications that you can decide to use. I even managed to find quite a few people I have known in my life on there and was able to reconnect with those people whom I had no contact with for years. The look and feel of the site along with all the little fun to-do's it offers had me hooked. Every day I find myself checking my Facebook page wondering what my "network" is doing today. Such a simplistic idea for a site and yet so entertaining. Maybe spending 5-10 minutes a day on it proves that the site is not history changing, but for a site that is growing by tens of thousands a day - that is a lot of time people are spending on their site!
LinkedIn is my favorite from a professional standpoint. I was amazed how many of my peers were on this site, allowing for communication between everyone and the sharing of thoughts and ideas. It's also interesting seeing how everyone is "linked" together - turns out some of my friends and peers know people that I deal with but I never would have known it. LinkedIn allows for quite a Google indexed listing - turns out Google gives LinkedIn a pretty high priority in their search rankings.
Maybe being 30 I do not fully appreciate the power of some of these online social networks - I know there are hundreds more that I will never see or experience, but it amazes me that through the use of technology, we have found better and more efficient ways to be both closer together and further a part at the same time!
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